The need for greater security for schools arose in the wake of a series of tragic shooting/suicides that began in 1999. As with business and government facilities that require access control, schools also seek to eliminate the possibility of bringing in weapons. This is why many educational institutions now make use of metal detectors as well as increased the number of security personnel.
Some schools have learned to take advantage of the other options made available with some access control systems. These include, photo ID's for students, teachers, administrative staff, maintenance staff which can double as credentials for entry into access points and as time cards for employees and students alike. They can be combined with barcodes, HID technology or magnetic strips to increase their functionality.
Temporary IDs can also be issued to visitors, which require scans of a valid ID and expire at the end of the day. Temporary IDs can be programmed to provide limited access to certain areas of the facility as the need arises.
Unlike other facilities that have fail-secure locks which remain locked during emergencies, access control systems in NJ for schools can have fail-safe locks that automatically unlock during emergencies.
Finally, the halls and common grounds can be monitored with motion sensitive surveillance cameras that will be able to alert the authorities when students are not where they are supposed to be.
Access control systems are used to grant authorization to persons/vehicles, thereby providing restricted access in and out of a concerned place. These systems are highly advantageous compared to the conventional locking and monitoring systems. The traditional practice was generally to maintain a register wherein entries would be made manually. Access control systems provide high security and also help in having a check on the punctuality of people. These systems find a wide range of applications including schools, industries, parking lots, construction sites and hospitals. Most of these systems have facilities to scan the thumb impression or the retina of the eyes of the people entering or leaving. Malpractice can be greatly cut down by the use of these systems.
The conventional physical barrier or check post cannot assure as much safety as the electronic access control systems. For example if the check post is left open, the number of people entering cannot be found. Other cases like dodging the security personnel can also happen. Whereas, the access control systems do not require a person to monitor the entry.
A typical access control system in NJ consists of a switched mode power supply (SMPS), a battery, relay, sensor and an exit button, which is a simple push button. The sensor can be card reader, bar code reader, scanner or a touch screen where information about the person entering can be read digitally. On a printed circuit board, generally called as PCB, the connections are made. A 12V DC battery is sufficient to power this system. The lock can be a card lock, touch lock or proximity. The cables from the sensor including the input, battery and output lines are connected to the multi pin connector on the board. In order to ensure safe operation and the risk of a short circuit, it is advisable to connect the battery at the end of the installation process, (i.e.) after all the other connections are done.
The wire from the door, which is the access gate, is connected to a relay. This relay is a simple electrically operated switch, which is the best suited since it is a low power switch. The switch closes when the fed information has been sensed and a command will be issued to the door lock system to automatically open the door, provided the scanned information matches with the available/authenticated data. Finally after all the connections are done, the system is initiated using the installed software and is fitted at the required place.
This type of connection is done in the case of electrically operated doors. Places like colleges, offices and schools, where the attendance is to be monitored, information from the sensor will be directly sent to the computer, which is connected with the access control system. These kinds of systems can be seen in ATM outlets as well. Since they use biological information of humans, such access control systems are also known as bio-metric systems. Installation of these systems are a one-time process and they can work hassle free thereafter.
Access Control Systems in Bergen County, NJ
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