When you think of fire safey in your home, several things may come to mind. You probably know never to leave candles or open flames burning unattended and that heat and smoke detectors are essential on every floor of your home. There are things that may not be apparent however that can drastically improve fire safety in your residence. We've compiled a list of lesser known safety tips that can help save lives. Use these tips as well as your good judgement to ensure your home is as safe as possible.
- Even items that don't produce a flame can lead to a fire. Hot irons, for example, should not be left unattended and should be turned off when not in use.
- Make sure to dispose of dry or dead vegetation in your yard. A careless passerby might throw a lit cigarette on your property with disastrous consequences.
- Don't have deadbolts that lock with an inside key. You'll want to be able to get out as quickly as possible should a fire start.
- Make a fire escape plan for your family and practice at least twice a year. You'll want to find two exits out of every room and to choose a meeting place outside.
- Be sure your address is easy to spot from the street. You don't want emergency personnel taking time to find your home when there is a fire - every second counts.
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