The importance of BACKUP GENERATORS
Power failures are not only inconvenient but also potentially dangerous. At best, you will just be left without a working air-conditioner, heater, refrigerator, freezer and electricity. At worst, your home can drop or rise to dangerous temperatures, all of your food can spoil, or you can fall and cause physical injury and damage to your home. At T&R, our electrical generator installation company NJ wants you to avoid this scenario playing out; we therefore offer residents and commercial building occupants our electric backup generators in NJ.
A standby or electric backup generator, will be put to great use if you ever experience power outages and blackouts. This device works by monitoring utility voltage at all times, and runs of your home or office's natural gas supply. When your electricity supply is cut off or shut down, the generator recognizes the problem and takes over.
The generator can save you from stumbling around the house looking for candles and bumping into walls. With an electric standby generator, you will be able to resume normal life as fast as possible and will hardly even notice the inconvenience.